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The Patron Saint of Superheroes

Chris Gavaler Explores the Multiverse of Comics, Pop Culture, and Politics

I teach creative writing courses at a small liberal arts college. I’m good at it. I’ve spent years guiding students through the writing process, starting with one-page scenes (open topic) and a range of techniques (sensory detail, connotative language, indirect characterization, etc.) and then revising full-drafts (open topic) with broader techniques (character motivation, surface v. deep plotting, genre expectations, etc.), all with an emphasis on trimming words, phrases, and sentences to bring forward the strongest language and honing it further. It’s fun. Both for me and, according to their course evaluations, my students.

That’s all about to change. Maybe.

Like (I suspect) many professors, I reacted to the first descriptions of ChatGPT with ridicule (obviously it couldn’t spit out anything convincing) and then horror once it was clear that it could. Though described as a “writing tool,” the program can produce pages of plausible prose. I know of only one student at my university who turned in a whole plausible paper — it was easily detected for its “hallucinated” evidence from the novel it was supposedly analyzing. That was last year. The update is already partially available.

Worse, in a creative writing class, all sentences are “hallucinated.”

My son (who graduated from a small liberal arts college last spring and starts a Math Ph.D. program this fall) urged me not to freak out. And, more importantly, to accept the use of ChatGPT in my classes. His argument was pragmatic: give students a way to use it openly or they will use it secretly (AKA, cheat). It’s a fair point. I used to watch pirated TV and films before cable stations figured out how to let me download (and pay for) their content directly. This was back when Blockbusters still ruled the earth — back when video retailers thought the new technology of online streaming could be ignored or suppressed. I suspect some medieval monks thought the same about the Gutenberg press.

Preferring not to follow that extinction path, I need to accept that ChatGPT is here to stay and procreate. What has to change is my definition and approach to “writing.” For whatever reason, I could stomach that notion more easily for expository writing, where I decided I would tell my students on the first day that they’re free to use ChatGPT — as long as they keep a log of every word they input and every word it outputs and then share that log on a discussion thread accessible to me and the whole class.

Though expository writing is still “creative,” it is less about the art of sentences and more about the cogency of ideas. But creative writing? It feels fundamentally wrong not to craft each and every sentence from the blank page of your own mind. Or is that just my dinosaur brain roaring?

To find that out, I first needed to find out what “writing” with ChatGPT actually entails. Below is my own log of every input and output.

I used to teach Peter Cameron’s short story “The End of My Life in New York,” which, when it appeared in the O. Henrey Prize Stories in 2010, included his author commentary afterward:

“So every once in a while I try to write a story, and since the writer Iris Owens once told me that she didn’t believe in writer’s block because all you needed was one sentence, the first sentence, and there you go, I occasionally try to come up with opening sentences, this being easier than coming up with ideas for stories.”

That’s how he wrote the story. He came up with a first sentence and waited to see where it took him.

So I typed his sentence:

“When I came home from Paula’s dinner party, Philip is still awake, sitting up in bed, contemplating a book.”

ChatGPT responded:

“As you entered your home after Paula’s dinner party, you found Philip still awake, sitting up in bed, engrossed in a book. It seemed that he was deep in thought, contemplating the contents of the book.”

It rephrased Cameron’s opening sentence into two sentences. So I asked:

“What happened next?”

It answered:

“After noticing Philip sitting up in bed, you approached him to see what book had captured his attention. As you drew closer, Philip looked up from his reading and greeted you with a warm smile. He expressed his excitement about the book and began sharing his thoughts and insights about its content.

“Intrigued by Philip’s enthusiasm, you settled down next to him on the bed, and the two of you engaged in a captivating conversation. You discussed various ideas, themes, and characters from the book, exchanging perspectives and analyzing different interpretations. The atmosphere was filled with intellectual stimulation and a shared passion for literature.

“As the night progressed, you both lost track of time, deeply immersed in the world of the book. The conversation veered into other related topics, triggering profound discussions about life, philosophy, and personal experiences. It was an intimate and enriching moment that deepened your connection with Philip.”

“Eventually, as the clock ticked past midnight, you realized the late hour and the need for rest. Reluctantly, you decided to bookmark your conversation for another time, promising each other to continue the discussion in the days to come. Philip closed the book, setting it aside, and you both settled into a comfortable silence, savoring the lingering thoughts and ideas.

“With a gentle goodnight, you bid each other farewell and retreated to your respective beds, knowing that you had experienced a special moment of intellectual and emotional connection. The memory of that evening would stay with you, serving as a testament to the bond you shared with Philip and the joy of sharing stimulating conversations and interests.”

Obvioulsy not a good short story. But not entirely worthless either. This sentence works pretty well: “As you drew closer, Philip looked up from his reading and greeted you with a warm smile.” The rest I would ignore and continue from there.

As this was my very first adventure in AI collaboration, I explored another path (which I’ll describe later) and then returned to the Peter Cameron sentence, which I copied into the prompter again.

This time Chat GPT responded:

“As you enter the room after Paula’s dinner party, you find Philip still awake, sitting up in bed with a book in his hands. The soft glow of a bedside lamp illuminates the pages, casting a warm ambiance in the room. The air feels calm and quiet as you make your way toward him.

“Philip looks up from his book, his eyes meeting yours, and a gentle smile graces his lips.

“Philip: “Hey, welcome back. How was the dinner party?”

“You can see a mix of curiosity and genuine interest in his eyes as he sets the book aside, signaling his desire to engage in conversation with you. The room is filled with a sense of comfort and familiarity, creating a space where you can share your experiences and thoughts.

“Feeling the weight of the evening on your shoulders, you take a seat next to Philip, grateful for his presence. The two of you begin to unwind and connect, exchanging stories and experiences from the night, finding solace in each other’s company. Whether it’s discussing the delicious food, sharing funny anecdotes, or simply enjoying the quiet companionship, the moment becomes a cherished memory in the tapestry of your relationship.”

That might be a little better than the first response (did I inadvertently train the program with the other writing I inputted between takes?), and I could probably extract another useable sentence or two. But wanting to continue forward, I asked:

“What happened at the dinner party?”


“I apologize, but as an AI language model, I don’t have access to personal experiences or specific events unless they have been provided to me. Since the details of the dinner party were not mentioned previously, I don’t have any information about what happened at the specific dinner party you attended with Paula. If you’d like, I can help provide general ideas or suggestions for what could have happened at a dinner party.”

Good to know. I rephrased:

“What could have happened at the dinner party?”


“At the dinner party, several things could have taken place, depending on the nature of the event and the guests involved. Here are a few possibilities:

  1. Engaging conversations: The guests might have participated in lively and thought-provoking discussions about various topics, ranging from current events to personal experiences. Different viewpoints could have been shared, creating an intellectually stimulating atmosphere.
  2. Delicious food and drinks: The dinner party could have featured a scrumptious spread of dishes and beverages. Guests might have indulged in a multi-course meal, savoring flavors from different cuisines or enjoying signature homemade dishes.
  3. Toasts and speeches: There could have been moments during the evening where guests raised their glasses for toasts or made heartfelt speeches to commemorate a special occasion, celebrate achievements, or express gratitude.
  4. Socializing and networking: The dinner party might have provided an opportunity for guests to socialize and connect with each other. New friendships could have been forged, business opportunities explored, or existing relationships strengthened.
  5. Entertainment and music: The host could have arranged for entertainment such as live music, a DJ, or performances to enhance the ambiance. Guests might have danced, enjoyed live performances, or engaged in friendly competitions or games.
  6. Memorable moments: Various memorable moments could have occurred throughout the evening, such as surprise announcements, heartfelt gestures, or shared laughter over amusing incidents.

“Remember, these are just a few possibilities, and the actual events at the dinner party would depend on the host’s preferences, the occasion, and the dynamics of the guests involved.”

Since the descriptions were all very general, I prompted:

“Describe the dinner party in detail.”


“Certainly! Here’s a detailed description of the dinner party:

“The dinner party took place in a spacious, elegantly decorated dining room. Soft, warm lighting from chandeliers and strategically placed candles created an inviting atmosphere. The room was adorned with tasteful floral arrangements, adding a touch of color and freshness to the surroundings.

“As guests arrived, they were greeted by the host and hostess, who welcomed them with genuine warmth and smiles. The sound of gentle music played in the background, setting a soothing tone for the evening.

“The dining table was beautifully set with fine china, polished silverware, and crystal glassware. A meticulously arranged centerpiece of fresh flowers adorned the middle of the table, adding an exquisite touch. Each guest’s place setting featured personalized name cards, indicating thoughtfulness and attention to detail.

“The culinary experience unfolded throughout the evening, with a carefully curated menu that catered to diverse palates. The tantalizing aroma of various appetizers wafted through the room, teasing guests’ taste buds. From delicate canapés to savory finger foods, the appetizers were a delightful prelude to the main course.

“The main course was a feast for the senses. Guests savored a range of delectable dishes, incorporating flavors from different cuisines. There might have been options like succulent roasted meats, vegetarian delicacies, and perfectly cooked seafood. The sides were just as enticing, featuring an array of seasonal vegetables, flavorful sauces, and aromatic rice or potatoes.

“Throughout the dinner, guests engaged in animated conversations, sharing stories, and exchanging laughter. The atmosphere was one of conviviality and camaraderie, with the clinking of glasses and toasts filling the air. As the evening progressed, the room buzzed with the joyous energy of connections being forged and friendships being deepened.

“To add a touch of elegance and entertainment, a live musical performance elevated the ambiance. A talented musician or a small ensemble played soothing melodies or upbeat tunes, complementing the mood and creating a delightful backdrop for conversation.

“Dessert was a sweet finale to the culinary journey. Indulgent treats such as decadent cakes, artisanal chocolates, or a selection of fine cheeses and fruits were served. Guests delighted in the delicate balance of flavors, savoring each bite with contentment.

“As the night drew to a close, the guests expressed their gratitude to the host and hostess for an unforgettable evening. With heartfelt farewells and promises to meet again soon, they departed, carrying with them cherished memories of a truly remarkable dinner party.

“Please note that the specifics of the dinner party can vary based on individual preferences, themes, and cultural traditions. This description provides a general overview of what a detailed dinner party might entail.”

The phrase “general overview” is key. Even after asking for specifics, I received a more extensive list of generalities. I could have asked for more details on each subtopic, but switched back to the main scene instead:

“Let’s say the narrator lies about the dinner party to Philip. What does he tell Philip instead?”


“The narrator, wanting to conceal the true events of the dinner party from Philip, decides to fabricate a different story. He tells Philip that the dinner party was a rather uneventful affair, with nothing out of the ordinary happening. According to the narrator’s fabricated tale, the dinner party was a small gathering of friends and acquaintances, held in a casual setting.

“He describes the evening as a simple, home-cooked meal with familiar dishes. The guests engaged in light-hearted conversations and shared anecdotes, but nothing particularly memorable or exciting occurred. The atmosphere was relaxed, with soft background music playing, creating a pleasant ambiance.

“The narrator assures Philip that it was a typical social gathering, where people enjoyed each other’s company and indulged in good food and drinks. He downplays any potential drama or intriguing moments, emphasizing the unremarkable nature of the event.

“In reality, the narrator may be trying to hide certain incidents or encounters that took place during the dinner party, possibly to protect Philip from any unsettling or uncomfortable information. The fabricated story serves as a shield to maintain a sense of normalcy and avoid any potential repercussions or complications.”

Stories, I tell my students, are about characters and therefore character relationships. Inner experience is key. So I explored further:

“How can Phillip tell that the narrator is lying? What does Philip do and say in response?”


“Philip, being perceptive and familiar with the narrator’s behavior, starts to notice subtle signs that indicate the narrator is lying about the dinner party. He picks up on changes in the narrator’s tone of voice, body language, or facial expressions that suggest dishonesty. Philip may notice a shift in the narrator’s eye contact or the way they fidget or avoid certain details.

“As Philip becomes aware of the deception, he might maintain a calm demeanor and choose to confront the narrator gently. He may say something like, “You know, I’ve known you for a long time, and I can tell when you’re not being entirely truthful. Something seems off about the dinner party. Can you tell me what really happened?”

“Philip’s words convey a sense of trust and understanding, inviting the narrator to be honest and open up about their true experiences at the dinner party. By expressing his observations and concerns, Philip hopes to create a safe space for the narrator to share the reality of the situation, allowing them to address any underlying issues or emotions that may have prompted the deception.”

At this point, I discovered the “Regenerate response” button and clicked it.

“2 / 2

“Philip, being perceptive and familiar with the narrator, notices subtle signs that indicate the narrator is lying about the dinner party. He picks up on the narrator’s hesitation, the slight changes in his body language, or the inconsistencies in his storytelling. Perhaps the narrator’s eyes dart around, avoiding direct eye contact, or his voice falters at certain points in the narrative.

“As Philip senses the deception, he raises an eyebrow and offers a knowing smile. He decides to play along with the narrator’s fabricated story, not wanting to confront him directly about the lies. Philip understands that there may be valid reasons for the narrator to keep certain details hidden, and he respects his need for privacy or discretion.

“With a touch of amusement in his voice, Philip responds, “Ah, an uneventful dinner party, huh? Well, those are rare, aren’t they?” He lets out a chuckle, conveying his understanding that there is more to the story than meets the eye.

“Philip then changes the subject, steering the conversation towards a different topic to divert attention from the dinner party. By doing so, he allows the narrator to save face and continue with the charade, preserving their relationship and avoiding any potential discomfort or conflict.

“In this way, Philip acknowledges the narrator’s attempt to conceal the truth, showing his understanding and acceptance while maintaining a sense of camaraderie and trust between them.”

Stories, I tell my students, are about conflict. So I asked:

“The narrator can tell that Philip thinks the narrator is lying and so the narrator feels angry. How can Phillip tell that the narrator is angry? What do and say next?” [I probably meant “What do they say and do next?” but that’s what I actually typed.]


“Philip, being attuned to the narrator’s emotions and familiar with their demeanor, notices a subtle shift in the narrator’s behavior that indicates growing anger. He observes a tightening of the narrator’s jaw, a slight furrowing of their brow, or a more assertive and tense posture.

“Sensing the rising tension, Philip chooses his words carefully, adopting a calm and empathetic tone. He leans in slightly, making sure to maintain eye contact with the narrator, and says, “Hey, is everything okay? You seem a bit upset. If there’s something on your mind, I’m here to listen.”

“By expressing his concern and offering a safe space for the narrator to express their emotions, Philip shows that he values their relationship and wants to address any underlying issues. He remains patient, allowing the narrator to decide whether or not to open up about their anger.

“Philip’s approach aims to defuse the situation and encourage open communication. He understands that anger can stem from various factors, including the narrator’s need to hide the truth or their frustration with the current circumstances. By acknowledging the narrator’s emotions and extending his support, Philip hopes to foster an environment of trust and understanding.

“It is up to the narrator whether they choose to disclose their anger and the reasons behind it. Philip is ready to listen and provide the necessary space for the narrator to express themselves, emphasizing their bond and the importance of open dialogue in their relationship.”

Regenerate response.

“Philip, being attuned to the narrator’s emotions, notices a shift in the narrator’s demeanor. He senses a tinge of anger in the narrator’s voice or observes subtle changes in facial expressions or body language, such as clenched fists, a furrowed brow, or a tightening of jaw muscles. These cues indicate that the narrator is becoming agitated by Philip’s recognition of the deception.

“Noticing the narrator’s anger, Philip chooses his words carefully to defuse the tension and address the underlying emotions. He responds calmly, “Hey, I didn’t mean to upset you. I just thought there might be more to the story, you know? We’ve known each other long enough to read between the lines. But if you’d rather keep it to yourself, that’s fine too.”

“Philip’s response acknowledges the narrator’s anger without escalating the situation. He expresses understanding and offers the narrator an opportunity to either share the truth or maintain their silence. By showing empathy and respect for the narrator’s feelings, Philip aims to maintain their trust and preserve their relationship.

“Sensing that the narrator might need some space to process their emotions, Philip shifts the conversation to a neutral topic. He discusses a recent movie they both enjoyed or a shared interest that can distract the narrator from their anger and help restore a more relaxed atmosphere.

“By acknowledging the narrator’s emotions and providing a supportive response, Philip aims to diffuse the tension and create a safe space for the narrator to express their thoughts and feelings when they are ready.”

ChatGPT, it seemed to me, is a bit conflict-avoidant. I typed:

“The narrator says, “Keep what to myself? You always think I’m lying.””


“Philip takes a moment to absorb the narrator’s words, realizing that the accusation of always doubting the narrator’s honesty has struck a nerve. He understands the frustration and hurt behind the statement.

“With a sincere and apologetic tone, Philip responds, “I’m sorry if it seems that way, but it’s not that I think you’re always lying. I value our friendship and trust you. Sometimes, though, I sense that there’s more to the story, and I’m just trying to show you that I’m here to listen if you want to share.”

“Philip pauses, giving the narrator a chance to reflect on his words. He continues, “I understand that everyone has their reasons for keeping certain things to themselves, and I respect your boundaries. Please know that my intention is not to doubt your honesty but rather to let you know that I’m here to support you.”

“Philip’s response emphasizes his trust in the narrator and reassures him that he is not constantly questioning his honesty. He aims to convey that his curiosity stems from care and a desire to offer support, rather than an assumption of deceit.

“To bridge the gap caused by the misunderstanding, Philip suggests, “Why don’t we take a step back and talk about something else? Maybe we can find a topic that brings some lightheartedness to our conversation. How about that new restaurant that opened downtown? Have you heard anything about it?”

“By redirecting the conversation and engaging in a more casual subject, Philip aims to alleviate the tension and rebuild a sense of ease between them. He hopes to emphasize that their friendship is based on trust and understanding, allowing the narrator the space to decide when and if they want to share the truth.”

Okay, not conflict-avoidant so much as plot-numbingly utopian. I typed:

“The narrator says, “ I know you hate me seeing Paula.”  Why might Phillip hate Paula? Why might the narrator think Phillip hates Paula? Describe a terrible incident that happened between them in the past.”


“Philip’s hatred towards Paula might stem from a past incident that deeply affected their relationship. The narrator suspects this based on certain clues and behaviors displayed by Philip. While the specific incident can vary, here’s an example of a terrible incident that could have happened between Philip and Paula:

“A few years ago, before the narrator and Philip became close friends, Philip was in a committed relationship with Paula. They seemed like the perfect couple, deeply in love and planning a future together. However, as time went on, Philip began to notice some concerning behaviors from Paula.

“One evening, Philip discovered that Paula had been having an affair behind his back. He stumbled upon incriminating messages and evidence of her infidelity. The betrayal shattered Philip’s trust, leaving him devastated and heartbroken. The revelation came as a complete shock to him, as he had believed their relationship was strong and built on mutual love and respect.

“The incident unfolded into a painful confrontation between Philip and Paula. There were heated arguments, tears, and an emotional exchange that irreparably damaged their relationship. Trust was broken, and the pain inflicted was deep and lasting.

“Philip’s feelings towards Paula were transformed by this terrible incident. He experienced a mixture of anger, hurt, and resentment towards her, unable to forgive the betrayal and the profound impact it had on his life. This incident left a lasting mark on Philip’s emotional well-being and affected his ability to trust others fully, especially when it comes to romantic relationships.

“As the narrator witnesses Philip’s reactions and hears subtle comments or sees tension whenever Paula’s name is mentioned, they infer that Philip’s feelings towards Paula are rooted in the past incident of infidelity. This leads the narrator to believe that Philip harbors strong negative emotions towards her and, as a result, assumes that Philip hates the idea of the narrator seeing Paula.”

Less idealized, but still generalized. I typed:

“Describe three specific details about the future they planned together.”


“In their envisioned future, Philip and Paula had carefully crafted plans, dreams, and aspirations. Here are three specific details about the future they had planned together:

  1. Dream Home: Philip and Paula had their hearts set on building their dream home, a tranquil retreat nestled in the countryside. They envisioned a charming farmhouse with a sprawling garden, a cozy fireplace, and large windows that flooded the rooms with natural light. They spent countless hours discussing architectural designs, interior décor ideas, and landscaping plans, eagerly imagining the joy and peace they would find in their dream abode.
  2. Travel Adventures: Philip and Paula shared a deep love for exploration and adventure. They had compiled a long list of destinations they wished to visit together. From hiking through lush rainforests in Costa Rica to marveling at the ancient wonders of Egypt and strolling along the romantic streets of Paris, they envisioned a life filled with exciting travel experiences. They dreamed of immersing themselves in diverse cultures, trying new cuisines, and creating cherished memories against the backdrop of stunning landscapes.
  3. Family Bonds: Philip and Paula desired to build a loving and close-knit family. They talked about the joys of parenthood, envisioning a future filled with laughter, milestones, and shared experiences. They eagerly planned for children, discussing names, parenting philosophies, and the values they hoped to instill in their future family. They imagined weekends spent playing in the park, family vacations, and cozy evenings reading bedtime stories.

“These three specific details highlight the depth of Philip and Paula’s shared dreams and aspirations. The future they envisioned was a harmonious blend of creating a beautiful home, embarking on exciting adventures, and nurturing a loving family.

In a further hunt for specificity, I typed:

“Describe three specific details that made Philip think that Paula was cheating on him.”


“While I don’t have specific knowledge of Philip and Paula’s relationship or any incidents of infidelity, I can provide you with three hypothetical scenarios that could have made Philip suspect Paula of cheating:

  1. Mysterious Phone Calls: Philip noticed that Paula started receiving an increased number of phone calls, often taking them in private and becoming evasive about the conversations when questioned. She would excuse herself from the room or step outside, speaking in hushed tones. The secrecy surrounding these calls, combined with Paula’s sudden change in behavior, raised doubts in Philip’s mind and made him suspect that she might be involved with someone else.
  2. Unexplained Absences: Philip became aware of Paula’s frequent and unexplained absences. She would often claim to be occupied with work, social engagements, or other commitments, but the details didn’t add up. Sometimes, Philip would find inconsistencies in her explanations or notice subtle signs of deception. Paula’s unaccounted-for time and her inability to provide satisfactory explanations made Philip question whether she was spending that time with someone else.
  3. Emotional Distance: Philip started noticing a gradual emotional distance between himself and Paula. They used to share a deep connection, with open communication and a strong bond. However, lately, Paula seemed disengaged and preoccupied. She became less responsive to Philip’s affection and stopped initiating intimate moments. The loss of emotional intimacy, combined with other suspicions, led Philip to wonder if Paula’s affections had shifted towards someone else.

“It’s important to remember that these details are purely hypothetical and created for the sake of the narrative. Actual situations and reasons for suspicion may vary in different relationships.”

No, I mean really specific. I typed:

“Where would Paula go to speak privately on the phone?”


“Paula might go to various places to speak privately on the phone, depending on her circumstances and the level of privacy she desires. Here are a few possibilities:

  1. Another Room: Paula might retreat to another room in the house, such as a study, bedroom, or even the bathroom, to have private conversations on the phone. These locations offer some level of seclusion and reduce the risk of being overheard.
  2. Outdoors: If Paula wants complete privacy and doesn’t want anyone nearby to listen in on her conversations, she might go outside. She could take a walk in the neighborhood, find a secluded spot in a park, or sit in her car, ensuring that no one can eavesdrop on her phone calls.
  3. Public Spaces: In some cases, Paula might opt for public spaces where she can blend in and have a semblance of privacy. For instance, she could go to a coffee shop, a library, or a quiet corner in a park, where the background noise and anonymity make it harder for others to overhear her conversations.
  4. Closed-off Areas: If Paula is in a public or shared space, she might seek out areas that provide more seclusion. For example, she could go into a separate room, a corner booth at a restaurant, or even a restroom stall to ensure her conversations remain private.

“It’s important to note that these are general examples, and the specific location Paula chooses would depend on her personal circumstances, available options, and the level of secrecy she wishes to maintain.”

Again, trying to get past the generalness of the “general examples,” I typed:

“Describe in specific detail the interior of where Paula and Philip lived.”


“Paula and Philip lived in a cozy two-bedroom apartment nestled on the top floor of a vintage brownstone building. The interior of their home exuded a warm and inviting atmosphere, reflecting their shared sense of style and comfort. Here are some specific details about the interior:

  1. Living Room: The living room was bathed in natural light streaming through large windows adorned with billowing curtains. The walls were painted a soft, neutral shade, providing a soothing backdrop for the room. A plush, L-shaped sofa in a rich earthy tone dominated the space, adorned with colorful throw pillows. A sleek coffee table sat in the center, showcasing a stack of books and a small vase of fresh flowers. The room was completed with an assortment of framed artwork adorning the walls, adding a touch of personality to the space.
  2. Kitchen: The kitchen boasted a combination of modern conveniences and rustic charm. Honey-colored wooden cabinets lined the walls, complemented by sleek stainless steel appliances. The countertops were made of polished granite, providing an elegant and durable workspace. A farmhouse-style dining table with mismatched chairs stood near the kitchen window, offering a cozy spot for meals and conversations. Shelves displayed a collection of vintage kitchenware and cookbooks, adding a touch of nostalgia to the culinary space.
  3. Bedroom: The bedroom exuded a serene ambiance, designed for rest and relaxation. A comfortable queen-sized bed with a tufted headboard was adorned with soft, high-quality linens and plush pillows. The walls were painted in a soothing pastel hue, and sheer curtains framed the windows, allowing a gentle flow of natural light. A wooden dresser with a vanity mirror stood against one wall, adorned with personal trinkets and a few family photographs. The room was completed with a small reading nook, featuring an armchair and a floor lamp, providing a cozy corner for quiet moments.
  4. Study/Workspace: The apartment also boasted a small study area, perfect for Philip’s contemplative moments and Paula’s creative pursuits. A sturdy wooden desk occupied one corner, accompanied by a comfortable chair. The desk was adorned with a collection of books, a laptop, and a desk lamp. Shelves mounted on the walls held an array of books, file folders, and art supplies. The room exuded a sense of intellectual curiosity and inspiration.

“These specific details paint a picture of a comfortable and tastefully decorated apartment where Paula and Philip created their home, filled with their personal touches and a cozy ambiance that reflected their style and preferences.”

Now a story idea occurred to me. I typed:

“This is where Philip and the narrator now live. How did they change the interior from the way it was when Paula was living there?”


“After Paula left, Philip and the narrator decided to make several changes to the interior of their home, infusing it with a fresh atmosphere and reflecting their own tastes and preferences. Here are some specific ways they transformed the space:

  1. Personalized Decor: The couple replaced or rearranged the artwork and decorations that Paula had chosen. They added their own personal touches, such as photographs, paintings, or sculptures that held sentimental value to them. The walls now showcased their memories and reflected their shared experiences, giving the space a more intimate and personal feel.
  2. Furniture Update: They made adjustments to the furniture layout, ensuring it suited their lifestyle and needs. They might have replaced the old sofa with a new one that better matched their style and comfort preferences. Perhaps they introduced a cozy armchair or a chaise lounge, creating a reading nook or a space for relaxation. They carefully selected furniture pieces that were more aligned with their taste and aesthetic.
  3. Color Scheme: Philip and the narrator might have decided to repaint the walls to create a new color scheme that resonated with them. They could have chosen warmer or cooler tones, bolder or more subdued hues, depending on the atmosphere they wanted to create. The new color palette helped to rejuvenate the space and make it feel more personalized.
  4. Reimagined Spaces: They repurposed certain areas of the apartment to suit their needs and interests. For example, Paula’s former study area might have been transformed into a music corner or a home office space for the narrator. They rearranged furniture and added storage solutions to optimize the functionality of each room and make it more tailored to their lifestyle.
  5. Updated Accessories: The couple replaced any decor items or accessories that held strong associations with Paula, choosing new ones that resonated with their style and represented their shared taste. They carefully selected rugs, curtains, cushions, and other accessories that enhanced the overall ambiance and brought a sense of freshness to the space.

“By making these changes, Philip and the narrator transformed the interior of their home into a space that truly felt like their own. Each adjustment was a deliberate step toward creating an environment that reflected their personalities, preferences, and the new chapter of their lives together.”

I keyed into “the artwork” and returned to the opening moment. I typed:

“Paula had a painting or poster hanging on the bedroom wall above the bed where Philip is reading. What was it. And what is hanging there now instead?” [Yes, I left off the question mark in the first question.]


“Paula had a large abstract painting hanging on the bedroom wall above the bed when she lived with Philip. The painting featured bold, vibrant colors and dynamic brushstrokes, evoking a sense of energy and movement. It added a touch of artistic flair to the space.

“However, since Paula’s departure, Philip and the narrator decided to replace the painting with something that resonated more with their current state of mind and their shared vision for the bedroom. They chose to hang a serene landscape photograph in its place. The photograph captures a breathtaking view of a peaceful beach at sunset, with gentle waves lapping against the shore and the warm hues of the setting sun casting a serene glow. The image creates a calming and tranquil atmosphere, serving as a visual escape and a reminder of the beauty of nature.

“The new artwork reflects their desire for a more peaceful and harmonious ambiance in their bedroom, providing a soothing backdrop for Philip’s reading moments and enhancing the overall sense of relaxation and comfort in the space.”

Trying to use the setting detail to dig deeper into character, I typed:

“When the narrator looks at the landscape painting, he changes his mind about it. Describe his reaction in specific physical detail.”


“As the narrator gazes at the landscape painting, a subtle shift occurs within him. His eyes, initially scanning the image with a casual detachment, suddenly widen with a hint of intrigue. A soft, contemplative smile graces his lips, causing the corners to lift ever so slightly.

“His breath deepens, and his body instinctively leans forward, drawing him closer to the artwork. He raises a hand, hesitating momentarily before extending a single finger towards the canvas. With gentle and deliberate movements, he traces the lines of the landscape, as if trying to feel the very essence of the image.

“The narrator’s gaze becomes more focused, his eyes fixated on the intricate details of the painting. His brows furrow slightly, suggesting a deepening concentration. The vibrant colors and delicate brushstrokes seem to come alive before his eyes, as if whispering secrets that only he can hear.

“A subtle transformation takes place within him. The initial skepticism and uncertainty melt away, replaced by a growing appreciation and connection to the artwork. His stance straightens, his posture aligning with a newfound sense of reverence. The painting’s beauty, initially overlooked, now captivates him.

“In this silent moment of introspection, the narrator’s perception shifts, and he realizes the profound impact that art can have on the human experience. He recognizes the power of the landscape painting to transport him to a tranquil realm, evoking emotions and inspiring contemplation.

“With a newfound appreciation, the narrator steps back slightly, allowing the painting to occupy his entire field of vision. A serene tranquility settles within him, echoing the peaceful scene captured on the canvas. And as he continues to observe, a sense of gratitude fills his heart for the ability to witness such beauty and find solace within it.”

Regenerate response.

“2 / 2

“As the narrator’s gaze falls upon the landscape painting, a subtle shift takes place within him. His eyes widen ever so slightly, and his eyebrows furrow, signaling a moment of contemplation. He leans forward, bringing his face closer to the artwork, studying the intricate details captured within the frame.

“His breathing becomes slightly deeper, almost as if the image has ignited a spark of recognition within him. A faint smile tugs at the corners of his lips, indicating a growing appreciation for the painting’s subtle nuances. His pupils dilate, allowing him to immerse himself in the scene, as if attempting to step into the frame and become part of the tranquil landscape.

“A soft sigh escapes his lips, carrying a mixture of contemplation and contentment. The narrator’s hand reaches out, fingers lightly grazing the textured surface of the artwork. He traces the delicate brushstrokes, as if attempting to absorb the essence of the scene through touch.

“In that moment, his body language shifts from skepticism to a sense of quiet admiration. The painting has succeeded in capturing his attention and stirring something within him—an emotional connection to the natural beauty depicted in the landscape. It becomes evident that the narrator’s initial reservations have been replaced with a newfound appreciation, and he allows himself to be swept away by the serene ambiance the painting conveys.”

This time when I hit “Regenerate response,” it asked me to rate the second response as better, worse, or the same as the first. I didn’t answer.


“3 / 3

“As the narrator gazes at the landscape painting hanging above the bed, a subtle shift in their perception takes place. Their eyes narrow slightly, studying the details of the image. They notice the intricate play of light and shadow on the tranquil beach, the delicate brushstrokes that capture the movement of the waves, and the nuanced colors that evoke a sense of serenity.

“A small smile tugs at the corners of the narrator’s lips, and their shoulders relax imperceptibly. A softness enters their eyes, reflecting a newfound appreciation for the artwork. Their fingers instinctively reach out, hovering just inches away from the surface of the painting, as if yearning to feel the textures and depths created by the artist’s brush.

“A gentle exhale escapes their lips, almost a sigh of contentment, as they fully immerse themselves in the scene before them. The narrator’s body subtly sways, a subconscious response to the imagined rhythm of the waves. Their expression transforms from one of skepticism to one of quiet reverence, their features softened by a newfound understanding.

“In that moment, the narrator’s initial reservations about the landscape painting dissolve, replaced by a deep sense of connection and appreciation. It becomes a focal point of tranquility and contemplation in the bedroom, inviting the narrator to escape into the peaceful realm of the depicted landscape and find solace amidst the brushstrokes and colors.”

Again with all the conflict-dissolving utopianism.

But still, there’s plenty to work with here, including whole sentences I could copy and paste into a plausible short story draft.

Whole paragraphs? Not so much.

Worse than its plot-killing tendencies, ChatGPT seriously flunks the creative-writing Prime Directive: “Show don’t tell.”

Would it be easier just to “write” (in the old sense) a draft? For me, definitely. That said, I did have a ridiculous amount of fun experimenting. And it seems very clear that ChatGPT can produce a wide range of both ideas and specific words useable for drafting a short story.

Is that cheating? Not if I say it’s not. But I’ll need more experiments before deciding.

[More next week.]

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