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The Patron Saint of Superheroes

Chris Gavaler Explores the Multiverse of Comics, Pop Culture, and Politics

On September 12, Speaker Kevin McCarthy directed a GOP House committee to open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. National political cartoonists responded immediately.

The most repeated word was “evidence”:

Especially its lack:

The empty container/room repetition is almost as fun as two identically posed McCarthys reaching into the same visual metaphor:

Or wielding the same detective trope:

The location of the search is key too:

McCarthy is by far the most repeated figure, with a range of visual jokes, including posed as a “dummy.”

Which is part of a larger McCarthy theme:

McCarthy’s gavel is a popular prop too:

But whatever angle, McCarthy is by far the most repeated figure in Biden impeachment cartoons:

Who’s the second most-named figure in Biden Impeachment cartoons? It’s not Biden:

Including a pair of “cover-ups”:

Though generic GOP elephants are popular too:

To be fair, unflattering donkeys show up sometimes too:

And sometimes even Biden:

Though even then, Biden tends to look pretty good:

Though political cartoonists are not a major voting block, if they were, Biden is polling ahead by an average of 6 to 1. That’s based on just the first two weeks of impeach cartoons — though really almost entirely on the first week, because cartoonists’ interest in the House GOP impeachment inquiry suddenly dropped off. You’ll never guess what they’re focused on now:

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